Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Next TEN pounds

I guess when facebook sees that you are posting about eating right and working out, it automatically post ads for weight loss pills, diet, and other weight loss miracles.  It's kinda irritating to see stories/ads that suggest that these "models" have lost 20lbs in just 2 weeks.  How is that even possible?  And who are the people that are actually believing such crap? 

I've done the "crash dieting" and the pills and the shots and the wraps, anything that I thought would give me results the quick and easy way.  Even though most of them did give me quick results, the gratification was fleeting and the weight came right back on.   

Almost 8 weeks ago I made a decision that I was tired of being 175+ pounds and tired of just being tired all the time.  I want to be the active mom that can keep up with her kids on the play ground rather than the mom that just sits on the bench and watches her kids play.  I want to live a long a healthy life and show my girls that you can do anything you set your mind too.  Eight weeks ago, I saw an ad on Facebook that my dear friend Derek posted, Exygon was having their 99 days for $99, and I had extra money burning a hole in my pocket.  So why not do something that was going to teach me dedication, hard work, and show me good healthy results in the end. 

It's been a long 8 weeks but I am happy to say that changing the way I eat and getting active, has proved to work.  Yes, I crave those Buster Bar Blizzards from Dairy Queen, and yes I crave those Mexican Pizza's from Taco Bell, and even though I hate to admit it, I did LOVE those chicken nuggets from McDonald's.  I look at that food now and even though it smells good and I know it will taste good, all I see are those calories I just spent 1-1/2 hours at the gym, working my butt off to loose.  I do have days that I slip up and share a small blizzard with my girls, but I feel so extremely guilty afterwards.

I am so very excited that I have lost my first 10lbs on my weight loss journey to get to my desired weight.  Now I just have 40 more to go but I will be taking it 10lbs at a time.  I am going to start posting some low-cal recipes that I just love and what my girls have ended up liking as well.

Have a blessed Tuesday everyone!!!

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